~ The United States of Me and You ~

The Songs

1. God’s Big Blue Ball
The future of global warming

2. America the Beautiful – Corporate Edition
Corporate America explains itself

3. The Life and Times of St. April Servino
Homelessness and the cold wind of indifference
(click here to listen)

4. Evangelica
Millionaire pastors, 'mega-churches', and the 'Prosperity Gospel'

5. Kansas Town
From the first school shooting in 1986, to the epidemic of today, and the one question still being asked
(click here to listen)

6. When My Eyes Were Opened
Seeing ourselves in the eyes of the forgotten and ignored
(click here to listen)

7. Turn Off the Lights
A sad farewell to the formerly Grand Old Party

8. Justice Depends
(On Who the Devil Needs Around)
A cautionary tale of a righteous man tempted with vengeance

9. Babble On Babylon
“The Whore of Babylon”, as mentioned in the Book of Revelation, and believed to be a metaphor for a false Christianity that rises to power by riding on the back of The Beast
(click here to listen)

10. Witch Hunt
The looming threat of Christian Nationalism
(click here to listen)

11. The United States of Me and You
Diversity, inclusion, and restoring decency, kindness, understanding, and civil discourse to a divided nation

~ Ourglass ~

Seven years old when he first dreamed of her, and forty-seven when she finally appeared in his world, Ourglass is the story of a solitary troubadour and the ghost that haunted him through forty years of trial and error, false leads and dead ends, lost hope and several hells, until his hourglass was down to its last few grains of sand.

That’s when she came, turned his hourglass into Ourglass, and brought their lives to life.

Perhaps you, too, have been haunted by such a ghost.  And maybe, within these 14 songs, you will hear their whisper across the sands of time until, at last, and quite by surprise, you discover that some ghosts never die.  They just come to life.

The Songs

  1. The Feather
  2. When She Comes
  3. Where Are You Hiding My Love
  4. This Bed
  5. Once
  6. The Voice Between the Tides
  7. The Wind
  8. Pre-Mortem Conclusion
  9. Promise Land
10. God's Own Daughter
11. The Old One-Two
12. Ourglass
13. Heaven Won't Be Heaven Without You
14. You and I

Coming Soon

~ The God Dam ~

("Based on the novel, "The God Dam" by JT Price)

Disk 1

If I Am
I Wonder
The Snake
The Televangelist
Free To Be Me
The Kiss
Is God Dead or Merely Silent
At a Funeral For a Friend
In My Mind
No Closer to the Moon
One Foot in the Grave

Disk 2

Father of Love
Anima's Lament
What You Want To Be True
To Be Needless
Free To Be Me
Down Here
Good Company
For As Long As I Need You To
If You Need A Hero
Right Here Inside
Until the Angels Come